Monday, January 7, 2013

Beginning My Healing Process

In reading my horoscopes the past two days they have pretty much been dead on. I’m not big on these, never have been, but I read them and was like damn! So just to kind of share my feelings, I’ve posted them below….

January 6, 2013
You want to make yourself happier, but you may not know how. Therefore,you may take on ways that will only provide momentary contentedness but no real comfort or joy over the long term. If you indulge in things that aren’t good for you - such as a bad relationship, too much partying, or unhealthy comfort foods - then eventually they will not only rob you of your joy, they will drag you down as well. It is your mission, Gemini, to find healthier ways of finding your center this year. Use your imagination, and keep your mental, spiritual, and physical health in mind in your quest.

January 7, 2013
By focusing too intensely on a problem you are overlooking all the other areas of your life that are wonderful and problem-free. That weakens you, Gemini. It drains your energy and repels good vibrations and positive opportunities from entering your life. It isn’t that you should avoid solving your problem - obviously you do need to solve it. But it would help if you could look at it less seriously and as far less threatening. It really isn’t something that’s going to break you. By all means address the issue, but maintain a positive focus at the same time.

These spoke to me because of a lot of trials and tribulations I have been going through lately. I can fully admit that yes, I am not happy in my life right now. I’m not going to put up a front like I am. I’m not perfect and to a few people that I know don’t like me or care for me too much, this probably pleases them. That’s fine, but I’m working out of my hole. Theres always going to be people who want to see you fail. For every one person who wants me to fail, I probably have five who want to see me succeed. I have plenty of people surrounding me that have come to me straight up and said that they miss me and have noticed a change in me. I am lucky to have people who care so much. They told me “when you used to walk into a room, the whole room lit up, and now it’s not the same. I just want the old Andy back, we all do”. This really made me emotional, because to actually hear it from my friends really put things into perspective. Although my “intervention” was overwhelming and caught me off guard I’m glad it happened. I can’t continue to let negative people and things ruin me. It’s not worth my happiness and well-being. It’s time for me to take a step back and really focus on me. Removing myself from certain situations, although it may be hard as hell and not something I want to do, it needs to be done. Not only for me but all of my relationships around me. I never really realized how my feelings and actions affect others. When I’m sad or upset, the people around me are as well. I apologize to anyone I’ve brought stress to or hurt. I’m working on myself to get back to where I need to be. I’m distancing myself from certain people not because I don’t love or care for them, but because they just aren’t right for me or my life right now. I know that we will always love each other that’s a given, but for both of us to gain some sanity and a piece of mind, time is the best healer. I know somewhere down the road things will work out. Maybe not the the way that I want them to be, but how they were meant to be. I like to stay as positive as possible. I just cant keep putting so much time and energy into someone or something when it’s not equally returned. I have had a significant other ever since I was 15. I honestly don’t know myself or how to be by myself. I need to really take time for me, find out what I like and who I am. Some people may talk and say I share too much on social networks about my life, that too is fine. Its a personal choice. There is nothing wrong with me expressing my feelings and to those of you who have time to judge and analyze my situation, y’all are the same people who have nothing better to do with your time. You probably have your own problems you need to deal with as well. In fact, I’m sure of it. If sharing my thoughts can help me and bring insight to others then its all for a good cause in the end. And to anyone who may read this and laugh or feel good about my struggle, keep doing it, it just gives me more fuel to be better. Anyone can put up a front, or a facade about their life but at least I don’t hide behind anything and I’m strong enough to admit it. You are hiding behind a big window with the curtains up. You make known what you want people to see but we can all see right through the glass that things aren’t perfect on your side either. Although we may not be able to get through the glass, we can see right in. All I can say is keep doing you, eventually it will all catch up to you….it always does.

Faith is the strongest provider of happiness. I will obtain my goals and make it through the obstacles. While you were busy building a wall, I decided to build a ladder to climb over…

One of the happiest moments ever is when you finally have the courage to let go of what you can’t change.
I don’t know where I’m going but I hope I end up in the right place…in the mean time, I will still be enjoying my unhealthy comfort foods :)

Be confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren’t. Everybody has their own strengths an weaknesses, and it is only when you accept everything you are - and aren’t - that you will truly succeed.

XOXO -andy

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