Jealousy is a major stressor. Take a look at the quote posted above. Jealousy is caused by overlooking what you have been blessed with and concerning yourself with someone else’s blessings. In all actuality they may not even be blessings at all and you are better off with what you have than what you think you want or need. I know I’ve been there and have been jealous over an ex, or another female etc. but who hasn’t? The shit can really mess you up. This is when you have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. There is plenty in my life that I can be thankful for and I’m glad that I can finally see it. I am learning to stress less. I know its cliché to say but no matter what your situation is, it can always be worse.
Those of you who have been following my story know the amount of BS I was dealing with. I recently spoke with a sister of mine who has been reading my blog and was going through a rough relationship situation. I had a discussion with her about revenge. She was so hurt and angry that she wanted to get back at her ex. In a previous post of mine I explained that yes, revenge feels good for the time being but in the end you are no better than the person who has hurt you and normally 9 times out of 10 you usually regret the decisions you make later on. This will also limit what is in store for you in the future. If you wish bad on someone or try to spite someone that has hurt you, you’re only blocking your own blessings. God has a plan for everyone and because one situation didn’t work out only means that there is something better coming your way. If He sees that you are still focusing on the negative and consuming your life with worrying about revenge on another person, how do you expect Him to bless you with what you need in you life? You might even receive the blessing and miss out on it because you are too concerned with what is none of your business. Then it has passed you by, leaving you wondering when is it going to work out for me?! Well, if you would have focused on leaving the wrong things alone, the right things would have had a chance to catch you.
Trust me, everyone gets their karma whether you are around to see it or not it comes. Some people are lucky to see it happen but others, you just have to be content in knowing that what goes around comes around. It’s funny because today I was actually able to see karma in full affect! One of my ex’s hit me up today with an “I need someone to talk to” text. Weird right?! I am cordial with this person and well over our “situation” so I decided to be a friend and listen. To make a long story short he of course did me wrong a while back, had a girlfriend and dated me for 8 months within the year he was dating her. He calls me and expressed to me that he is almost in tears every day because he misses her so much. Everything in his life is great, career, family, life in general but he’s missing a part of him from his past. He referred to her as an angel that was sent to him and he messed it up when she found out everything not only about me but about other things he was doing. She was everything to him. Dedicated, committed, his soulmate so he says. His mother even told him out of everyone she’s met she would do anything to have her back in the “family”. She obviously didn’t meet me, lol just kidding. With all this said the next thought in your mind would be, why do men behave this way when they have something great right in front of them? Well honey, your guess is as good as mine lol. Is it the thrill of being able to date mutliple women? How can they possibly keep up with keeping facts, dates, and memories straight? Its too much work, I'll never understand the madness.
Anyways, she has blocked his calls and won’t talk to him. He wanted me to reach out to her anonymously. Apparently I’m “Hitch” now lol. I am happy to give my advice when asked based off my experiences and it seems that a lot of people are coming to me now for insight. I told him straight up, “Don’t take offense to what I’m about to say, but it’s your karma coming around to bite you.” Now he is very young, but I told him from a woman’s stand point you can do any and everything to be perfect and make things right but once the damage is done and the trust is lost its almost impossible to gain back. She is always going to question and nit pick at every little thing he does. Insecurities will kill you and your relationships. As far as that situation goes he has a lot of work to do but it may just be a lost cause. I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing him say. So see everyone gets theirs, just be patient.
It’s just crazy how much you learn from these situations that you go through in life. Some people say “live for the moment” yea, that’s all good and well but what makes you happy in the “moment” may not make you happy in the long run. Actions have consequences and this YOLO enthusiasm and living in the moment will F*** up your future. I was glad he was finally realizing his loss. Admit your mistakes and you are free. There is absolute truth in the phrase you never know what you have until it’s gone. Moral of the story is when you have a good thing hold on to it. Too many good men and women get taken advantage of and then the person that does them wrong eventually regrets the poor choices they made. Unfortunately by the time that they realize that, the person they lost found someone that appreciates them and is deserving of their love and efforts. Everyone has the potential to be great, so why not drop that “p” word and just be great! Don’t block your blessings, create them!
Xoxo –andy
Sidenote: The title of this blog was inspired by a follower of AndysDayDream! Thanks girl, I see the progress in you even though you may not! Stay inspired!!
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