Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Woman On A Mission

Reflection is a very soothing concept and with some extra time on my hands I’ve been able to do a lot of this lately. I have been able to analyze certain situations and come up with ways to resolve issues. Sometimes in order to correct something you have to humble yourself by putting your pride aside and admitting your own faults. You have to realize that everything in life is not about you and being selfish will only leave you with the first part of that word, “self”. There may be things that you still need to work on and accomplish but you cannot neglect everything else in your life at the same time. Life goes on whether you are ready or not and the last thing you want to do is be left behind.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Don't Block Your Blessings

Let’s think about all the stressors in our lives. What brings on stress and how is it controlled? When I sit and think about this, the answer is simple. We, ourselves bring on most of our own stress. Dont blame your boss for your bad day because work was pilling up or the traffic for making you late. You control the outcome of your life and your feelings. How you deal with what is handed to you can be the difference between a horrible day and a happy one.